

A social media mobile applications for Android and iOS to share and rate hikes around Norway.



My Role(s)

  • Team Leader

  • Developer


  • Flutter

  • Firebase

  • Google Maps API

  • GitHub


Trails was created by me and three other students for a course in Mobile Applications. We created the app using Flutter and Firebase Firestore. The app is a social media inspired by Instagram, but with a focus on sharing and rating hikes. It lets users find new hikes on a map, and look at posts from specific hikes, or the posts of your friends. The app was made in the span of three months, but contains a lot of features: full authentication flow, following/followers, likes, image uploading, searching users, dark/light mode based on system.


This project was extremely educational as it was the first time for everyone creating a mobile application. The biggest challenge we faced as a group, was the xcodeproj file. It was not supposed to be gitignored, however, it consistently caused merge conflicts that was difficult to resolve.


The group were extremely satisfied with the results. We managed to create a social media platform while learning Flutter in three months. The project went so well that multiple members of our group kept working on the app afterwards. Additionally, some of us chose to create a mobile app for our Bachelor project.